Click to view the latest edition of Gamut (Guilden Morden’s village newsletter in .pdf format – this is an independent publication).

Greater Cambridge Local Plan – First Proposals Public Consultation

Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council are working together to create a joint Local Plan for their combined districts – which we are referring to as Greater Cambridge.

The Councils are inviting comments, via public consultation, on the Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals (Regulation 18: Preferred Options 2021). The Councils are also consulting on the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating the requirements of Strategic Environmental Assessment) and Habitats Directive Assessment. This is part of the Regulation 18 Consultation under the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

The consultation documents can be viewed:
• on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service website
• by appointment at Cambridge City Council’s Customer Service Centre: Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge, CB2 1BY (phone 01223 457000);
• by appointment at South Cambridgeshire District Council Reception: South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA (phone 01954 713000);
• at Cambridge Central Library (7 Lion Yard Cambridge CB2 3QD) and Cambourne Library (Sackville House, Sackville Way, Cambourne, Cambridge CB23 6HD) during normal opening hours.


Hard copies may be obtained at a charge by contacting the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service using the contact details below. If you need assistance to view the documents, or wish to discuss the consultation, please contact us using the details below.

The Councils are also holding a number of online and in-person events during the consultation period, where planning officers will be available to answer questions. These may be subject to change in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult our website for full event details.

How to make comments
You are encouraged to comment online – full details are available on our website at
If you have difficulty commenting online, please contact the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Policy Team on 01954 713694 or email us at

Alternatively, you can make comments in writing using response forms available on the Councils’ websites or on request. Completed response forms should be emailed to
or posted to: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge, CB1 0JH

Comments can be made on these documents between 9am on Monday 1 November and 5pm on Monday 13 December 2021.

All comments received during the consultation period will be published. Please refer to our privacy notice for further details, which can be found on our website.

First Proposals Consultation Public Notice

Guilden Morden Annual Report 2021

Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus situation it isn’t possible to hand deliver the annual report as we normally would.

Until it is safe for us to deliver the report it is availiable to download here.


Guilden Morden Annual Report 2020

Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus situation it isn’t possible to hand deliver the annual report as we normally would.

Until it is safe for us to deliver the report it is availiable to download here.


Crime Prevention Advice – Home security Advice

Recent Police reports received have highlighted a slight increase in outbuilding and shed being broken into in rural areas around Bassingbourn Village.

The Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to take this opportunity to offer some security advice to assist residents in keeping their personal items safe and secure were possible;

Garages and shed are often full of expensive tools, which are ideal for breaking into your homes.

Never leave any outbuildings unlocked, especially if it is a connecting door to the home, whereby a burglar can get in and not be seen.
Fit additional strong locks/ padlocks and make sure doors are strong enough not to be kicked in. ensure any ladders are locked away and not left lying around or down the side of the main home. Ensure brackets are internal and not exposed bolts or screws that can easily be undone. Consider use of a steel box fitted to the floor of to secure larger tools.

Side gates and excess points are locked and secured.

Boundaries of your property have strong fences or plant some thorny hedges to the front, (but don’t let them grow too high 1-1.5mtr in height) so passers-by can see the front of your home but not inside your property.

Alarms are useful and more residents seem to be installing these alongside CCTV cameras, most new ones can be viewed on your mobile devices.

Some other links to security measures can be found on the following; / / /

Plus look at your local Neighbourhood watch scheme’s which you can find through your local parish council or on line at

Stay safe and keep you items secure
Regards South Cambs safer Neighbourhood Policing Team

Annual Parish Meeting 2019

The Annual Parish Meeting will be on the 15 April 2019 in the Village Hall.

All residents are invited to attend. If you would like a topic to be discussed please contact the Clerk by the end of March.


Collection days for Refuse & Recycling

Location – Guilden Morden.
Collection Day – Wednesday (Week B) starting 1st March 2017

Paper caddies will continue to be collected up to and including Friday 8 December 2017.

From Monday 11 December 2017, they will no longer be collected, and from that date paper should be placed directly into the blue bin.


20/12/2017 : Black Bin
29/12/2017 : Blue Bin (FRI)
05/01/2018 : Black Bin (FRI)
11/01/2018 : Green & Blue Bins
17/01/2018 : Black Bin
24/01/2018 : Blue Bin
31/01/2018 : Black Bin
07/02/2018 : Green & Blue Bins
14/02/2018 : Black Bin
21/02/2018 : Green & Blue Bins
28/02/2018 : Black Bin
07/03/2018 : Green & Blue Bins
14/03/2018 : Black Bin
21/03/2018 : Green & Blue Bins
28/03/2018 : Black Bin


For further information, call our waste and recycling service 03450 450 063 Monday to Saturday 8am – 8pm.

Who to contact in case of flooding and riparian owner responsibilities

Cambridgeshire County Council has been engaging with residents that experienced flooding recently, and many have asked if we could provide them with contact details for who to call in a flood emergency, along with information on riparian owner responsibilities for those living next to watercourses.
The County Council strongly believes that this will help residents be more prepared for future flood events, and be more aware of their roles maintaining watercourses.

Click here for who to contact in a flood emergency.

Click here for information on riparian owner responsibilities.