The ‘Wheels for Martin’s Friends’ Charity was originally formed in 1989 when it was called ‘Wheels for Martin’. The objective at that time, was to raise a sum of £1,100 for an electric wheelchair for Martin Dellar who was then seventeen years old, and was a lifelong resident of Guilden Morden in South Cambridgeshire. Martin suffered from Muscular Dystrophy and both he and his parents, needed an electric wheelchair to help with his transportation.
The project was spearheaded by Nick Crane, the Landlord of the village pub and, through the tremendous enthusiasm and efforts of many local people, well over £6,000 was raised. Martin received his chair, and together with his parents, went to Disneyworld in Florida for a holiday. The balance of the money raised was used to provide additional, special equipment for some other handicapped people within the local region.
Following this early success, it was decided that this good work had to continue. The project was renamed ‘Wheels for Martin’s Friends’, with the objective of raising funds for the provision of equipment for people in need within the North Hertfordshire, North Bedfordshire and South Cambridgeshire region. Over £250,000 has now been raised and all of this money has been used to provide mobility equipment for over 100 people. Standard wheelchairs have also been placed in the local villages and doctors’ surgery for the temporary use of residents and visitors in need.
In 1996 formal charity registration was obtained and our Charity is now managed by six trustees: B. G. Crane(President), C.Watts. L.J Bath, P. J. Furmston, C. Beales and A. C. Marchini. The Charity is based at the ‘Three Tuns’ pub in High Street, Guilden Morden, Royston, Herts SG8 0JP.
In 2010 WFMF raised over £19,390.00 and spent nearly £25,000, so we continually need funds. Our Golf day raised over £10,000 and we did receive a number of donations.
For further information, ring 01763 852768 or Peter Furmston on 01763 852125.
We will be only too pleased to help if we can.
Charity reg. no. 1056864
Trustees: B. G. Crane(President) L.J Bath C. Watts P.J. Furmston C. Beales A.C. Marchini.
Secretary: H. Watts.
Padre: Rev. C. Price

Community Pride Awards

Bassingbourn ladies enjoying their motor scooters