The Shingay Group of Parishes

Mission Statement

We rejoice that the gospel is "Good News" for all, and re-commit ourselves to be faithful witnesses to Jesus Christ.
We resolve to broaden our friendships, and through the power of the Holy Spirit constantly to improve our presence in the community.
We will seek to work with Christians of other denominations, and with people of other faiths.
In striving to fulfil our calling, all that is undertaken shall be rooted in prayer and honoured in worship.


A Message from the Rector

The Shingay Group of Parishes consists of St. Michael and All Angels, Abington Pigotts, St. Catherine’s, Litlington, St. Mary the Virgin, Guilden Morden, St. Peter and St.Paul, Steeple Morden, St. Giles, Tadlow, and All Saints’, Wendy and Shingay. We are in the Diocese of Ely of The Church of England. All six parishes of the Group have their own organizations, Parochial Church Councils and so forth, but we operate as a Team of Parishes wherever we can, and good friendships have been built across the villages through our meetings together, and our regular monthly worship together in one of the six churches. We try to have a service in each of the six churches on three Sundays of the month, and come together for worship on the remaining Sunday. Full details of services are printed in Prospect magazine, which is delivered each month to homes in the parishes.

The Rector, Canon Shamus Williams is assisted in many different ways by the ministries of lay people. There are prayer/study groups at Litlington and Guilden Morden and Steeple Morden. We value our close ties with the two church primary schools in the group. Sometimes our services in Church are lead by one of the Readers of our Group, Mrs. Genesta Harris, Mr. Morgan Bunday, Mr. Cyril Harris, Mr. Keith Stott or a Eucharistic Assistant, Mr. Mike Birrell or Mrs Cicely Murfitt.  Mrs. Christine Furmston, Mrs. Anne Hassall and Mrs. Rose Dickinson are Lay Pastoral Assistants.
An afternoon meeting aimed at babies, toddlers and their carers meets at Steeple Morden. There is also a Sunday Club for children that meets at Steeple Morden.

Many other people contribute to the life of the Church here in lots of different ways. For instance, by flower arranging, by bellringing, by helping to clean the Church, by assisting with the maintenance of the fabric, by reading lessons, by giving out books at services and providing a ministry of welcoming, by serving coffee after services, by being on our PCCs,singing in the Group choir, by assisting at children’s holiday clubs, by supporting our village schools, and so on.

If you might assist in some way, or are just interested to have service details if you don’t receive “Prospect”, please get in touch by writing to The Vicarage, 18, High Street, Guilden Morden, Royston, Herts SG8 0JP. Tel: 01763 853067.


Shamus Williams (Rector)


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