The Parish Council is developing a Parish Plan and has been seeking the views of residents.  Almost 100 residents have so far responded to the questionnaire following advertisements in Gamut and a very successful stand at Saturday’s village show.  However, there is still time to have your say. Please make contact via the website.

We now have lots of information on people’s views, and many constructive suggestions. These will be followed up and acted on over the next few weeks so  if you offered support expect a call!

While there is still much analysis to be done the following provides a first snapshot of the opinions. Please note these  conclusions are only provisional and likely to change. There are some interesting anomalies to investigate before we can be sure of the conclusions; our duplicate question elicited very different responses in the two different categories it was in – only 7% wanted a late night bus in the transport category but the same question when asked in the youth category scored  35% in favour. And, while only 26% think there is a need for more accommodation in general 29% said more social housing is needed – with a number of specific recommendations on preferred site and views on these to be available only to ‘village people’.

The numbers offering to help were a little disappointing almost three quarters wanted footpaths to be promoted but only 7% offered to help maintain them; similarly more than half said youth clubs are needed but again only 7% offered help.

On traffic more than two thirds think there is a speeding problem or there are danger spots and, while few cited the school as one of the danger spots, 61% support a 20mph zone around the school. No other speed calming measures were suported by the majority.

There’s still much analysis to do and then further work to define projects to address these needs. Please make contact via the website if you’d like to contribute.



Category Question Percentage responding “yes”
Do you know who your neighbourhood watch coordinator is? 40%
Do you think there should be more police presence in the village? 37%
Apart from the school bus do you think there is a need for public transport in the village? 86%
Is there a need for a late night service to the village from Cambridge or Stevenage on Saturday nights? 30%
Are you aware of the Heron service? 51%
Traffic & Road Safety
Do you think there is a problem with traffic speeding through the village? 70%
Would you support any of the following traffic calming measures in the village? Lower speed limit near the school 61%
Further reminders of the 30 mph speed limit 41%
Table tops at the entry to the village 28%
None 7%
Do you think there are any “danger spots” on the village roads? 62%
Do you think there are any parking issues in the village? 43%
Do you make use of the village website? 51%
Which local news letter do you read? Gamut 95%
Prospect 91%
Planning & environment
Do you think there is a need for more accommodation in the village? 26%
Do you think there is a need in the village for up to 20 affordable houses to be provided by a housing association? 29%
Is there a need to promote the village footpaths? 74%
How should they be maintained? Village working party 57%
Pay someone to do this 22%
I’m willing to help with maintenance 8%
Is there adequate street lighting in the village? 75%
Are recycling facilities in the village adequate? 74%
Is there a need for more litter bins or dog litter bins in the village? 33%
If an allotment plot (without water) became available for rent would you be interested? 9%
Energy and sustainability issues
Would you be interested in receiving advice to help you reduce your energy bills and carbon footprint? 35%
Would you be interested in a car sharing scheme? 16%
Do you think that the street lights should be turned off after 1am to save money? 63%
Youth Issues
Is there a need for a Youth Club or Café in the village? 51%
If yes would you be willing to help run it? 7%
Should there be a youth representative on the parish council? 60%
Is there a need for a late night service to the village from Cambridge or Stevenage on Saturday nights? 35%
Would you be willing to take part in a working group to take an issue most important to you? 24%