Gardens opened on 23rd June 2013 to raise money to refurbish the area by the village pump. A Build a Bug competition was held with entries from toddlers, pre-school and school children. Photos of some of the entries are here. Garden photos to follow. Interviews with children and some gardeners were broadcast on the Chris South Show (Radio Cambridgeshire). The weather forecast of heavy showers for the day wasn’t great. In the end it was cold, grey and windy but the rain held off until 5pm when the event closed. The first stop for some visitors was at the Congregational Chapel where volunteers provided refreshments to raise funds for the Chapel. Judging by the number of visitors, including a party from Provence as well as the surrounding area, the day was a tremendous success. The organisers are very grateful for the support of the many advertisers, the team at the Chapel and all the gardeners who made it possible.

Garden number 3

Garden number 2

Refreshments at the Chapel

Build a Bug (7)

Build a Bug (6)

Build a Bug (5)

Build a Bug (4)

Build a Bug (3)

Build a Bug (2)

Build a Bug (1)